Saturday, April 04, 2015

Mesh - Aries

मेष - ARIES
A Cardinal Fire Sign ruled by Mars

The first sign of the zodiac and well known as a pioneering sign, Aries are outgoing, enthusiastic and energetic. People born under this sign like to be at the forefront of things and have an adventurous, competitive spirit. Ariens loves a challenge, often needing to prove themselves. They are courageous and, never being ones to meekly follow the herd, are not afraid to stand against popular opinion if it doesn't tally with their own way of thinking. They carry the ability to break from traditions. You may find the guys arguing at the airport security check post for principles!!

As a fire-sign and ruled by Mars, Aries can be quick to let the sparks fly, but when all the fuss has died down they are just as quick to forgive and forget. They make excellent and loyal friends, always ready to defend the people they hold dear to them.
Career: In their choice of career Ariens need a large degree of autonomy. They're leaders by nature and a subordinate position doesn't suit them well, nor will repetitive work of any kind not hold Arie's interest long enough to see the task through. Being ruled by Mars, an ideal career for Aries might be a military one, but they also do well in all sports related professions. Their autonomous natures make them well suited to run their own businesses, and their abilities are ideal for heading expeditions, or acting as tour leaders.

In relationships Ariens are ideal for someone who seeks a strong partner to lean on. Although romantic and idealistic, Aries true nature is impatience, and a spontaneous instant attraction is far more likely than a slowly built relationship. However, once the relationship is established, Ariens are faithful and loyal lovers, defensive of their partner. There is a tendency to what some might consider utter selfishness in the Arien personality, but confront your Aries mate with such an accusation and their reaction will very probably be one of complete incomprehension.

Major Characteristics of Aries:
Ability to pursue self-interest; Assertiveness; Directness; Self-expression; Independence; Honouring oneself and what one wants; Passion for physical activity; Energy; Passion for what is right and true, Argumentative,

(c) Copyright 2015, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

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