Thursday, March 22, 2007

3rd House -

3rd House signifies :-
  1. All forms of Communication (phone, sms, chatting etc) and Transportation, Courage, The style and manner of communications, Additionally; letters, contracts, telephone calls, computers, documentation, papers, books, writing utensils, cars, the subway and all forms of short distance travel are found in the third house. 3rd House indicates short journeys or travel.
  2. Neighbors, siblings and other relatives such as aunts, uncles, and cousins are representative of the third house.
  3. Your mental attitude, the analytical mind, self-expression, early childhood education, learning style, opinions and speech are also 3rd house issues.
  4. friends, motivation, interest basic life energy, impulses and intention that drives us. Will ambition, passion, zeal, rashness impulsiveness main interests, sport, hobbies
Mars or Mercury in 3rd H indicates curiosity, power, brother,

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