Sunday, December 21, 2008

Repayment of Debt.

In horary chart if the sub-lord of 12th House is retrograde, repayment will be delayed, one cannot be able to pay back soon. The repayment can happen only after the sub-lord becomes direct.

If the 12th sub-lord is deposited in the constellation of a planet which is retrograde then the person cannot return the loan.

If Sub of 12th House is Saturn, the repayment will be delayed. If it is Mercury, it will be in installments. If Moon, he will pay very fast! If Mars, it will be done only after a threat from the lender, if Venus, he will clear with pleasure and maintain good relations.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

9th Lord in 12 Houses

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Ascendant

As the 9th lord is in the Ascendant the native will be a self made person. He/she will definitely get public honour and acknowledgment becuse of his/her charming personality and pleasing manners. Acceptance & encouragement will be given without any hesitation by seniors . Due to the dint of their hard work they will reach the top. They are endowed with personal magnetism & the good will gained by them from the public will be enjoyed by posterity.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Second House

As the 9th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be the son of a rich and influential man. They will inherit paternal property. Their knowledge on subjects selected by them is accepted generally. If they get
proper opportunities and encouragement they will become scholars in their specialised fields. They need variety and lack of variety frustrates them. They cannot concentrate on one subject for long.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Third House

As the 9th lord is in the 3rd, means of the native’s father will be moderate. They may have to come up via writing. Fraternal happiness will be theirs. They will have pleasing personalities and charming manners. As the 9th lord is in the 7th from the 9th, their father will be a respectable man in society. They become suspicious because of their over-analytical nature. They are lovers of mysteries and try to solve them.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Fourth House

As the 9th lord is in the 4th, the native will have beautiful houses & conveyances. They are deeply attached to mother who is also a fortunate individual. They may inherit father’s immovable properties. Their father may be quite hard hearted & their childhood memories will revolve around that image. Disharmony may exist betwixt parents. They generate strong *** appeal and put the principle “Work is Worship ” in action.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Fifth House

As the 9th lord is in the 5th, Destiny will give the native a famous & prosperous father. As the 9th lord is in the 9th from the 9th, father becomes fortunate and successful. They will be renowned for their learning and will be of charitable disposition. Their character will be spotless. They will have immense courage which will serve them in the hour of crisis. They will be prosperous and their domestic life will be satisfactory.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Sixth House

As the 9th lord is in 6th, the native’s father may have to face health problems. Unless proper care is exercised it may develop into a chronic disease. Their revenge is always cruel and swift if they feel that they have been cheated. Wealth will be gained as a result of successful termination of father’s legal problems. Money as compensation comes to them automatically. Their father may have to face litigation and other problems. Since the 9th lord is in the 10th from the 9th, father becomes successful professionally.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Seventh House

As the 9th lord is in the 7th, luck is generally after marriage. Father goes abroad and prospers. They also will find their fortune in foreign lands. They will be blessed with a noble and lucky spouse. They dont think of marriage as a game but rather as a sacramental function. An understanding partner wont worry about their fidelity. They love domestic life and want to be with members of their family. 11th from the 9th means fulfillment of fortune & all desires.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Eighth House

As the 9th lord is in the 8th, the native may have to face separation from their father. Problems manifest for their elder brothers and sisters on account of them . Their fortunes will be subject to dire vicissitudes. Their fiscal fortune do not remain constant. They are undoubtedly very good salesmen. They deride Religion and its institutions. As the 8th is 12th from the 9th, they may have to suffer reverses in luck and constant bickerings in married life are to be expected. Children may also pose problems.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Ninth House

As the 9th lord is in the 9th the native will have a long-lived & prosperous father. They are respected in society and known to be very lucky enjoying paternal legacy. They will be extolled as exemplars and their qualities will be a source of inspiration to others. Even their relatives gain immensely from their luck. Their
father plays a pivotal role in their development and progress. They will be intensely religious and charitable. They earn largesse from their foreign visits. They will have a cordially disposed spouse and good children.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Tenth House

As the 9th lord is in the 10th, the native will become famous & powerful This is said to be a powerful RajaYoga, a combination for political power. They will be blessed with a royal status in Govt or in
defence. With their charming personality they will endear themselves to all. Wisdom and wit will be reflected in marital life. Sometimes they are shy and timid & sometimes they are loquacious and exhibit
extrovert qualities.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Eleventh House

As the 9th lord is in the 11th and as this is a Dhana Yoga, the native will be above want. They will be blessed with influential friends. Father is also renowned and well off. Their capability is enormous in the sense they will leave their footprints in the sands of time by way of great achievements.Wealth beyond the dreams of avarice they will have. They are masterminds when it comes to execution of any plan with malice aforethought.

The Effects of the 9th Lord in the Twelfth House

As the 9th lord is in the 12th, luck does not come to the native . They may have to work very hard in life. Even then success do not come to them. Their father may leave them penniless. 9th lord in the 12th does
not indicate a rich background. They may be faced with financial difficulties due to festivals and celebrations. They have to exercise caution and follow the principles of economic prudence.

by G Kumar, Astrologer, writer & programmer of

6 - Virgo - कन्या

Its a earth sign.
It symbolizes wisdom that has been gained through experience
ruled by the planet Mercury which controls the intellect and communicative functions.
The individuals borne under Virgo are inclined to be practical, industrious, and adaptable. They seem to
possess a remarkable eye for detail. Virgos are shy, but are waiting
for that perfect love, so they are also idealistic. Disappointment will
harden them to become cynical and skeptical, which is due to
disappointments that have been either discriminating in nature or on a
more sensitive issue. Virgos are known to be intellectual, but yet
critical, especially of their own self and of the circumstances around
Individuals born under the sign of Virgo tend to be very
health-conscious and try to stay in good health by participating in a
regular exercise program so they can continue to stay physically fit.
They tend to enjoy tennis, swimming, biking, fishing, racquetball, and
sailing, but not competitively, just mostly for fun. Whatever skills
Virgos seek, they aim to be the best in it. They tend to have talents
in a variety of crafts such as designing and dressmaking, and may
participate in the art of cartography and philately. Virgos enjoy
reading books and magazines as well as writing, so communication is
very important to them.
They are service-oriented in seeking to improve the environment by
pursuing careers in health fields such as teaching and counseling.
Virgo the Virgin rules the sinus, respiratory system, and bowels of the
body, so they are prone to colds, flu, allergies, constipation, and
problems with the intestines. They complain of black moods or bouts of
depression and can be despondent at times.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Signs - राशि

साइन               - राशि  - टाइप   - सेक्स - प्लेनेटरी लोर्ड
Aries       - मेष   - Fire  - M - Mars
Taurus      - वृषभ  - Earth - F - Venus
Gemini      - मिथुन  - Air  - M - Mercury
Cancer      - कर्क   - Water - F - Moon
Leo         - सिहं   - Fire  - M - Sun
Virgo       - कन्या  - Earth - F - Mercury
Libra       - तुल   - Air   - M - Venus
Scorpio     - वृश्चिक - Water - F - Mars
Sagittarius - धनु   - Fire  - M - Jupiter
Capricorn   - मकर  - Earth - F - Saturn
Aquarius    - कुंभ   - Air   - M - Saturn
Pisces      - मीना   - Water - F - Jupiter

(c) Copyright 2013, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

Moon - चंद्र

Moon represents :

Emotions, Mind, Health, Purity, Mental Balance, Mother

(c) Copyright 2008, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

4th House

Regarding the Fourth House

The fourth house represents happiness, mother, friends, uncle, house, conveyances, Primary education, landed property. All these significations get a boost if the 4th lord or 4th house becomes strong. if the fourth house is vitiated by malefics, happiness will make a hasty retreat. Relatives turn hostile and there will be difficulty in acquiring houses or conveyances.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Ascendant - Lagna

As the 4th lord is in the ascendant the native will have all sorts of domestic comforts, houses  conveyances. They are outspoken & independent, clever and intelligent. Their mother is gentle and tender. They have an academic mind and their qualities will be appreciated in the field of education. They will have the help of many friends and uncles. They will have a well decorated house.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Second House

As the 4th lord is in the 2nd house the native will inherit much from their mother or maternal relatives. Their mother in turn must have received much from her own sisters & brothers. They are not the type who are likely to be dominated. People think them as a simpletons. However they are cunning and quite clever when occasion demands. They will have house & conveyances.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Third House

As the 4th lord is in the 3rd house the native can expect medium health.Because of their educational background they may get the much needed help from office levels. Subordinates love working for them as they lead by example. They will retain self earned wealth. Uncles may turn hostile. They may have trouble regarding house & conveyances. Even their health may be subject to vicissitudes.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Fourth House

As the 4th lord is in 4th the native will have a good house and conveyances. They may be connected with powerful, political people. They have the knowledge to manipulate ideas, men and things with dignity and honour.They maintain a spotless character. They will understand that Love is a thing to be given & not a game to be won or an election to be fought. They tend to Philiosophy & Religion and love their family members.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Fifth House

As the 4th lord is in the 5th the native will have vehicles & conveyances. They are adepts at maintaining happy relations with people. They will enjoy wealth that is self made. Their partner will appear to be more bossy than them when provoked and even more belligerent. They will have a comfortable life with riches. Their children will prosper well & they may get happiness from them. They may gain due to speculation & whirlwind profits can be expected if they speculate.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Sixth House

As the 4th lord is in the 6th house the native will have problems from house & conveyances. They may receive affection from somebody other than their mother during childhood. They are basically careless and indifferent. Thier mother's health may be imperilled. As they are shorttempered it will be better for them if they control their anger. Some of their friends may turn hostile. Uncles and aunts also turn hostile. They may not get much happiness from mother & conveyances.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Seventh House

As the 4th lord is in the 7th the native will shine well in the field of education. They are ready to sacrifice & relinquish their rights on property at the slightest request from their mother. In reality she
does not want them do that. Pessimistic they become as a result of adversity. They acquire vast areas of land and they get houses. Their public relations are good. They mix well with people. They
will have good friends.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Eighth House

As the 4th lord is in  8th  the native will  have  problems in education They are likely to face difficulties in  childhood. They envy  their brothers  who  get  greater  attention from  their  mother. They may not fulfill her wishes and  this  makes her dejected.  They may  be  separated  from father quite early in life.  They may have  to  encounter difficulties   arising out of litigation. Some of their friends may  turn  hostile.  Some  uncles and  aunts  also. They may  have  problems  regarding  house  & conveyances.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Ninth House

As the  4th lord is in the 9th the native will be  blessed  by a loving and compassionate mother. They fear the Unknown. They may inherit paternal legacy. They demonstrate  wisdom  and  a deep  sense  of humour  behind  a rugged exterior. They have a hidden desire to be protected by their  mother. This is a  fortunate  combination  with regard to father and properties. They will have a good house & conveyances. They will be  blessed  by many  good  friends who come to their help in their hour of crisis.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Tenth House

As the 4th lord is in the 10th  the native will have professional enhancement and reputation. They  will have professional expertise . They will  have  political  success.  They  will have  the  knowledge to handle  any  situation.  They will be  good  at handling chemicals. Will  vanquish  their  enemies .  They  are  quite  domineering  and have  a  knack of  making their presence felt.   Will be blessed by
house & conveyances. They  will have good friends  who  help them in their hour of crisis.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Eleventh House

As the 4th lord is in the 11th the native will be wealthy  &  financial condition will only improve  for  the better. Will  have  a lot of friends. They will be helped by  these friends. They will have  lots of gains as 11th  house  rules  gains and  the  fulfillment of all desires. A good house guaranteed. Will have lot of mental tensions also as 11th is 8th to the 4th. Lack of mental peace and bliss can result. They will be blessed by  conveyances. A  well decorated house with all the  paraphernalia will be theirs.

The Effect of the Fourth Lord in the Twelfth House

As the 4th lord is in the 12th  the native will have to  face many ills & unhappy situations in life. The lord of 4th House in the  house of loss shows loss of Sukha. Regarding house they may have to face many problems. They may have to encounter litigation and problems regarding house. They may not be happy with regard to mother. Uncles and  aunts turn hostile. Some  friends  also go  against them. They will be beset by many problems and difficulties. Expenditure rises and they may have to spend much money on house and conveyances. They may have to face losses in speculation.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

KP Rules

  1. Longevity and Good Health : If lagna and lagna lord are in the star and sub of lords other than 6,8,12, native will live long maintaining good health.
  2. Marriage: Sub of 7th signifies 2/7/11
  3. Spouse from Nearby place : When sub of 7th H signifies 4th or 10th House.
  4. Troubled marriage, separation and divorce: If the sub of 7th signifies 1/4/6/10/12. 12th H is the key point in deciding the Separation or divorce.
  5. Divorce by court order : Sub of 7th H when signifies 12 and 3
  6. Divorce with mutual consent : Sub of 7th H signifies only 12 and not 3
  7. Arguments with spouse : Sub of 7th signifies 4/ 6 & 10 no separation if it does not signify 12th house.
  8. Materialisation (marriage) of Love affair - Sub of 5th House should signify 7 and 11.
  9. Whether pre-identified individuals will marry each other? In the Prashna kundali if Sub of 11th H signifies 7th and 1st House the answer is +ve. If the sub of 11th H signifies 6th house the marraige is damaging the individuals.
  10. Repayment of Debts: Sub of 12th signifies 8th and 5th house. 8th House is compulsory 5th is for support.
  11. Locating a missing person : sub of 11 if signifies 2/8/11 the person will be located. Based on the relation of the missing person with the queriest the chart should be rotated accordingly. If the spouse is missing then 7th house will be considered as Ascendant and so on. 2nd H indicates Benefit, 8th H indicates hidden treasure so 2nd and 8th Houses are important.
  12. Education till Graduation: When sub of 4th H signifies 4/9/11
  13. Higher Education: When sub of 9th H signifies 4/9/11
  14. Higher education in the field of Medicine is indicated by connection of 4th H or 9th H with Sun.
  15. Profession - in forces - Mars should be connected to 10th House.
  16. Profession - Govt. Service - Sub of 10th House signifies 6th H and 6th Lord is Sun.
  17. When to Borrow money - during the period where planets indicates 6th and 2nd House. 6th House indicates spending by the lender and 2nd indicates increase in wealth by the subject.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Nakshtra Loards - नक्श्त्र स्वामि

























P. Phalguni

पूर्वा फाल्गुनी










U. Phalguni

उत्तारा फाल्गुनी














































P. Bhadrapad

पुर्वा भाद्रपदा










U. Bhadrapad

उत्तारा भाद्रपदा












Jupiter गुरु

Nature of Jupiter
  1. Jupiter is a सात्विक planet, Jupiter is Benefic planet.
  2. गुरु म्हणजे असणे

  1. It is "Putrakarak" during and for child birth Jupiter will be associated.

Characteristics and functions of Jupiter
  1. Jupiter instigate inspiration, wisdom and truthfulness,
  2. Jupiter is more of a concept.
  3. मीनेचा गुरु in 5th House = equal number of male and female child.
  4. The function of Jupiter is to enlarge, make fruitful, and bestow a feeling of being protected with a spirit of hope and optimism.
  5. It can provide self confidence, to take life as it comes, and our urge to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. It enlarges all that it touches and, as a result, it can lead to exaggeration.
  6. The house where Jupiter is placed is often an area where we are lucky, where we can get away with things. Where we are much confident, protected and less worried.
  7. It enlarges the Horizon, vision

  1. Knowledge, Expansion, (children, education, spirituality) teachers and teaching, Optimism, Fortune, Law, God, Wealth, Status, Wisdom,

Aspects - दृष्टी :
  1. Jupiter has three aspects 5, 7 and 9

Some Interesting points about Jupiter
  1. Although Jupiter and Venus both are natural benefics they are not friends of each other.
  2. Jupiter is the only Planet which can give the compromise in Police or Political cases.

Fundamentals of Predictions in KP System

  • Suppose the relevant planet connected with the question is Vakri
    (Reverse motion) then the incident will be occurring after the planet
    reverts to the onward motion.
  • If the relevant planet is in the Nakshatra whose Lord is in
    reverse motion (Vakri) the answer to the question is to be given in the

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How Planets give their result

A planet moving in a star is primarily
under the influence of the lord of that star, and the planet will predominately
give the results of the house the star lord occupies, in addition
to the house(s) owned by the star lord. Then, the planet
will offer the results of the house it occupies and the house(s) it
owns. Assess both the star lord and the planet to determine the nature of the

full article does the dasha lord function.htm

Houses - भाव

केन्द्र 1,4,7,10 - (Lakshmi Houses) (Like a cardinal sign) Most important, they are strong and active to accomplish their potential - Sharp energetic - power for achievement and strong will. Tenth is the strongest Tenth house even overpower the ascendant. Malefics and Benefics are exalted (1) BODY (4)
HOME (7) MARRIAGE (10) CAREER. Same Modality as the ascendant.

Trine 1,5,9 - Houses of dharma (1) personal (5) creative (9) . They give as well as take. not as strong as angles but they boost the chart and strengthen signs 5 and 9. called houses of Vishnu. Jupiter and the moon are good in trines. One trine aspects all others. They are in the same element as the ascendant. More important for spirituality.

Succedent - 2,5,8,11 - (like a fixed)
Accumulation of resources - maintaining what we have. 5th, 11th, 2nd, 8th. Income houses. 5th - speculation, 11th through income, 2nd personal work, 8th inheritance. Also mind self expression, 5th, intelligence, 2nd speech, 8th insight, worldly communication

Cadent - 3,6,9,12 (like a mutable) give sensitivity, adaptability, high intelligence - but unstable, uncertain
- mental or nervous problems. Good for spiritual development. 9th, 3rd, 6th, 12th. 6th and 12th difficult for health and happiness - 9th and 12th more spiritual. 3rd and 6th give conflict and striving.

उपच्चय - 3, 6 10, 11 they are increasing houses.Planets in them give more over time. Mars and Saturn do well here, give power to overcome obstacles. Malefic do well in the 11th.

अपच्चय - 1,2,4,7,8 houses of decrease. They lose their strength through time. Malefics do not do well In them, particularly the 8th.

Dusthanas - difficult houses. 6, 8, 12 - benefics are weakened esp. under malefic influence - esp. moon. 6th - Malefics good for power but can cause disease. Benifics good for intelligence, but disease. Rahu good for spirituality. 8th. Mars can cause death or harm. Saturn long life sans prosperity. 12th Benefics are good for rebirth. Venus for prosperity. Ketu for spiritual capacity. Rahu nervous system disorders.

Planets near the midheaven in houses 9,10 and 11
represent how we affect the world in terms of our values (9th), actions
(10th), and goals (11th). Opposite in houses 3,4 and 5 are our vital
energy (3), emotional state (4), and intelligence (5th). Planets high
in the chart tend to dominate those low in the chart.

Geaeral Terms in Astrology

Ascendant (लग्न) :
Also known as the First House Cusp, or Rising Sign, the
Ascendant is the position of the Sun on the horizon at the minute of
your birth. Astrologers consider it an even stronger
psychological indicator of the personality, especially as it is
perceived by others. actually its a window through whihc you look at the world and world looks at you.

Aspects (द्रुष्टी) :
The relationships between the planets are measured by astrologers,
and if there is a connection between specific degrees, the planets
are said to be "in aspect" to one another. The relationship
can be expressed positively or negatively, depending on the planets
involved and the specific angles at which they connect.

Conjunction (युती) :
Conjunctions "blend" the energies
of the two planets who occupy the same space within 8 degrees.

The space of one degree on either side between two houses or signs.
People borh "on the cusp" are people born within a degree of the
change between one sign to the next. They may strongly exhibit
characteristics of both signs.

Elements ( तत्व ):
Each sign is related to one of the elements: Fire (Aries, Leo,
Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra,
Aquarius) or Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

Modalities ( स्वभाव):
Each sign is related to a specific modality or "response style").
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are "Cardinal" (चर) (they tend to act
directly and decisively). Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
are "Fixed" स्थिर (they tend to act persistent and determined).
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are "Mutable" द्विस्वभावी (they tend to be
adaptable, flexible).

60-degree aspect. Sextiles are one of the
more positive +ve aspects. They indicate pleasant opportunities formed
when the aspecting planets contact one another.
planets in the second house.

Square: 90-degree aspect. Squares are one of the
more challenging aspects negative -ve . They indicate stressful interactions
between the aspecting planets. planets in the 3rd house

Trine: 120-degree aspect. Trines are one of the
more positive aspects +ve, but they lack much motivating factor. They
indicate easy interactions between the aspecting planets. houses in the 4th house.

enefics : शुभग्रह

Malafics :

Sunday, July 13, 2008


मंगळ म्हणजे  कृती करणे

धाडसी, तामसी, 
कामुकता वाढवणारा 
Arguing nature, Mars in 2nd House will provide authoritative argumentation.
Focused approach, Logic, discipline, Courageous, aggression
Mars is the Lord of VIII. Karaka for blood, and also treated as karaka for sweets by traditional astrology.
Physical strength
Mars is exalted in Saturn's signs.

Signs of a weak Mars are mainly lack of energy and motivation and inability to do work. The individual may find it difficult to stand up for himself, be fearful or dominated by others. They may not know how to express anger or to see through the motivations of other people. They may be overly passive, easily controlled and may be abused, even physically.

The immune system will be weak, with low appetite, poor absorption, low body weight, weak muscles, weak liver and small intestine, or possible hemorrhoids. There may be an additional tendency towards bleeding of injuries, with slow healing of wounds or sores and possible anemia. For the male, there may be lack of sexual vitality.

Mars is weak when it is in (Cancer, कर्क), when aspected by malefic (like Saturn and Rahu), when combust, and when in difficult houses for it (the fifth, eight, ninth and twelfth).

Mars is generally a benefic planet for Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces ascendants, and is usually good for Aries and Scorpio as well. Here its positive qualities like energy and insight can be improved, even if it is not weak. 

Mars indicates manufacturing of engineering products. Mars + Venus confirms manufacturing of vehicles. 

mars as significator of 5th house will indicate surgery / Cesarean, engineering

Mars in Fire people (that is, those with Mars in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) are generally quite passionate. When they get angry, those around them generally know it. There’s very little pretension with this position of Mars. They very much like to get what they want, and they generally won’t hide this fact from you. These natives are far too impatient to play mind games or to employ too much strategy in order to get where they want to go.
Mars in Earth people (that is, those with Mars in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) are rarely aggressive, but they absolutely are determined individuals. Their goals in life are often quite practical–ones that are realistic and attainable. They get up in the morning with the idea that they must work for what they want in life. There is a basic resourcefulness to Mars in Earth.
Mars in Air people (that is, those with Mars in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) generally have many interests and drives. These natives are especially clever about getting what they want. Unlike Mars in Fire, Mars in Air natives are quite capable of adopting airs and tactics to get and do the things they want. These natives are quite polished in manner. They’ll rarely offend you in an overt way, preferring to settle things on an intellectual level.
Mars in Water people (that is, those with Mars in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) are generally quite adept at strategy. They are emotional and instinctual people. They are unlikely to be directly aggressive about getting what they want in life. These natives feel their way through life–feelings and actions work in tandem. Although they generally aren’t as flexible and polished as Mars in Air, they do employ tactics and often use roundabout ways to fulfill their desires.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ketu - केतु

Ketu is also known as South Node of moon or Descending Node.
Ketu resembles Mars.
Ketu is
  • friendly with Ma and Ju.
  • neutral towards Sa, Me, Ve.
  • enemy of Sun, Mo - worse to Mo.

Ketu is a co-ruler of मीन

Ke's co-ruler of Sc - supposedly yogakaraka for Ca, Sc, Aq, Pi ascendants

Ke's moolatrikona is in Aries.

Ke's exalted in Sag and DB in Ge.

Rahu and Ketu affectively give results according to the Lord of the Rasi in which they are situated.

Ketu Signifies
Death, spirituality, detachments, outcastes


Rahu is also known as North node of Moon or Ascending Node.
Rahu resembles Shani (Saturn)
  • friends are Shani, Mercury, Venus.
  • neutral towards Mars, Ju.
  • enemies are Sun, Mo - worse to Sun.

Rahu is co-ruler of Aquarius - supposedly yogakaraka for Ge, Tau, Li,
Aq ascendants ( since Ra falls in their 1 or 5 or 9 or 10 hs).

Rahus is co-ruler of Virgo.

Ra's exalted in Scorpio and DB in Taurus - but then also viewed as
exalted in Tau and DB in Sc; with the first point of view in mind,
moolatrikona's Sc.

Ra's exalted in Gemini.

Ra's DB sign is Sag.

Rahu and Ketu effectively give results according to the Lord of the Rashi in which they are situated.

Rahu signifies : कर्म, eccentricities, disturbances, foreign things

Venus - शुक्र

Venus is a Rajas planet, so the person is interested in experiencing life 'here and now' in a worldly way.
Venus Represents : Desires, Pleasures, Art, artistic pursuits, beauty, addictions, Sex

Venus in astrology signifies love, relationships, women, and finance.

Medical astrology
Venus Governs face, eye sight, genital organs, Semen, Urine, Luster of body, throat, water in body, Glands, ovaries, gullet, chin, cheeks, navel, left bar and reproductive organs, controls kidneys
Venus is a ruler of natural 2nd house in Zodiac and hence governs eye sight.

Areas of Venus are art, commercial artist, beauty products, public relations
Venus is the planet for computer technology and softwear. Venus and Saturn are for computer graphics

Saturn - शनी

Saturn is debilitated in Mars’s sign
Characteristics of Saturn:
  1. Careful planning
  2. Determination
  3. Obstacles, seriousness, truthfulness, Sorrows

Monday, June 30, 2008

Mercury - बुध.

Mercury indicates:
confusion, unpredictability, wisdom, two things,
Intellect, Speech, Communications, Diplomacy

Keywords :
Speech and communication, skills, intellect, dexterity, equanimity, neutrality, curiosity, playfulness