Saturday, November 28, 2009


"Horse Property"

0-13 ° 20 Aries

Symbol: the horseHead

Results: sick

Ashwini natives are swift and can travel at high speeds. They are natural healers, and in his presence in painkillers. They are good listeners and excellent therapists and psychologists. This is an animal Nakshatra that has an affinity for animals, especially horses. They also have aAffinity for the vehicles. Ashwini people often reach great heights in his profession, but if not ambitious. Roy Rogers, cowboy actor, has his natal Moon here and has appeared in over a hundred films to his Palamino and German Shepherd. Peter Fonda, star of "Easy Rider" is also a native of Ashwini. The helicopter was on his horse metal quickly brought him to the United States.

(c) Copyright 2009, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Houses, 'Bhavas', 'Sthanas

Houses, 'Bhavas', 'Sthanas'

Following is the list of all the 12 Houses, 'Sthanas', 'Bhavas' , their special names and the important things they represent.
House/ BhavVarious NamesThings Represented By Each Of The House/ Bhav
First HouseLagnasthan, TanusthanThis house signifies life, longevity, self, health, nature and appearance of native. Complexion, vitality, sorrows, gains and profits to younger brothers and his friends. It governs head and face.
Second HouseDhana-sthan, Kutumb-sthanThis house indicates inflow of finances, bank position, right eye, family, early age or boyhood, speech, sanyas, servants and friends. Self earned wealth, loss or damage, worldly possessions, jewellery, grandfather and mother. It also denotes family, eyesight, understanding with family members, inheritance, law suits, throat, right eye, domestic comforts in general.
Third HouseBhatru-sthan, Parakram-sthanIt denotes younger brothers and sisters and their relations. It signifies courage, intelligence, education up to Higher Secondary level, taste for writing, ornaments, clothes, short journeys. Signing contracts and documents etc. Body parts are arms, right ear, shoulders etc.
Fourth HouseMatru-sthan, Sukha-sthanThis house signifies mother, property, conveyance, domestic surroundings and happiness. Old age environments, private affairs, public, inheritance, false allegations, agriculture land and its produce. It represents breasts, chest, lung, stomach, elbow joints etc.
Fifth HouseVidya-sthan, Putra-sthanChildren, speculation, intellectual status and luck are gauged from this house. Pleasure, love affairs, lady love, legal or illegal amusements, kidnap, rape etc. are also checked. Belly, heart, liver, spleen are the body parts covered by this house.
Sixth HouseRipu-sthan, Rog-sthanThis house is responsible for enemies, health, service, servants, uncle, aunts and relations on father's side. Food, subordinates, debts, obstacles in life, mental worries, theft and calamity etc. The body parts denoted are kidney, large intestine, uterus and anus.
Seventh HouseBharya-sthan, Maraka-sthanMatters regarding wife, husband, partnership, external sex organs, conjugal happiness are checked from 7th house. This house also denotes marriage, married life, love contracts, litigations, divorce, honour and reputation in foreign country. Body parts are private parts, uterus, glands etc.
Eighth HouseMrutyu-sthanDiseases, death finances through unfair means, internal sex organs, longevity, mental pain obstacles, dowry of wife, gain from in laws, mode of death, imprisonment, worries and privations are checked from 8th house, It indicates body parts as scrotum, pelvis, seminal vesicles, external genitalia, etc.
Ninth HouseBhagya-sthanThis house indicates religion, foreign travel, publicity, preceptor, higher education, learning, writing books, also faith, wisdom, prosperity, powers of foresight, religious institutions, providential help, etc. Hips, thighs are body parts.
Tenth HouseKarma-sthan, Pitru-sthanThis important house indicates father, profession, status in life, activities outside house, pleasures, honour, power and authority, Government favour, trade, business, command, honour, occupation, adopted son. All questions regarding worldly activities and moral responsibilities. Body parts are knees, joints, bones, hairs and back.
Eleventh HouseLabha-sthanIt accounts for accumulated wealth, elder brothers and sisters and relations with them. Friends, fluctuating money gains, club or social activities, emotional attachments, love affairs and friends, honour, social success etc. Body parts are legs, left ear, teeth, ankle etc.
Twelfth HouseVyaya-sthanIt signifies private enemies, pleasures of beds, law suits, imprisonments, secret works, moksha, hospitalisation, conjugal relations with opposite sex other than legitimate. Sorrows, debts, lost goods etc. are judged. Body parts are feet, left eye, teeth etc.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Life of Leo

In astrology Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun as the center of our solar system is the star which all other planets revolve around. Astrologers may say that the Leo person wants to be the center of attention; this may or may not be true depending on the rest of the astrology chart. Yet the Leo path in life is always to find their center and to follow their heart.

The crises in the life of Leo will be around pride, courage, love, being acknowledged and being approved of. Usually these are all combined together with a story or drama that unfolds. Leo needs drama in life. They need to feel and express life. However if they are not conscious of their inner needs then the drama can unfold whereas they are so wrapped up into the play they take it very seriously and can become entrenched in a drama of epic stature.

Many times the young Leo had an event happen in their lives where they either got attention and approval or was hoping for the attention and approval of a respected and loved adult, usually a parent. An emotional charge was set up, either that they did something, a little show perhaps for the adults, and felt loved and adored with attention. That event set up a pattern of I need to play a part, put on a show in order to get approval, love and attention. Or sometimes the Leo child wants love and attention and feels ignored and keeps upping the ante in acting out or seeking someway to get mommy and daddy's attention, such as by getting sick, provoking a sibling, etc.

This emotional set up can continue in adult life where the Leo feels that need to accomplish more and more to have approval. The approval and love that was wanted or reinforced at childhood now becomes an ambiguous approval from the world. If I am the best sales person at the office then somehow life will be better and this can go on until an emotional crisis occurs with the underlying question of "why am I not happy"?

It is important for the Leo in their spiritual path to ponder whether or not they are taking an action for approval. Again this is a hidden feeling or driving force under the surface of day to day activities. Therefore self examination is very important. One way to discover whether or not what you are doing is genuine is to ask whether or not you feel someone in your life will "approve" of what you are doing. Think of people you care about or those you want to care about you. Next ask yourself if in addition to (as an example) going to a particular workshop if you think so and so would admire you for doing that. This can be an access to whether there is a hint of wanting approval. If so, then ask yourself if you go to someplace or do something even if there was no admiration or even if there was disapproval.

This is one way Leo can find their heart and life path. Having the courage to follow it is the next step. It takes courage to consciously step on a path you want but you know others who are important to you in your life do not approve of. The Leo must seek the truth in their heart, is the path you want the best for your highest good? Is it pure without being tainted with doing it as a result of hurt pride or ego? Are you willing to risk loosing others in order to have what your heart wants? Once you examine the truth in your heart courageously set out on your own adventure.

Remember the sun the star in our solar system, the other planets (people in your life) are the supporting actors in the play of your life. If they are not suited to the role you may need to fill the supporting characters with others.

Astrology is a complex subject, different astrologers interpret the planets in many ways, yet the core foundation is the same. We all have Leo somewhere in our chart and lesson of Leo as well as the gift that Leo is meant to master and show us pertains to all of us.

And to discover so much more about how astrology helps you have a life you want go to and start receiving your free tips on astrology.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Effect of Mercury in different Houses as per Vedic Astrology

  1. First - classical mercurial temperament can expect love of change and travel
  2. Second- finances usually involved in affairs or matters related to travel or public relations
  3. Third - great love of travel, physically and intellectually
  4. Fourth - home interests are nurturing, interesting and family relationships good
  5. Fifth - inclines toward numerous love affairs or centering focus on love itself
  6. Sixth - nervous system can suffer by anxiety or restlessness, travel or work stress
  7. Seventh - good relationships with partner, friends and by correspondence
  8. Eighth - caution is required to strengthen the nervous system to avoid mental strain
  9. Ninth - indicates travel and helpful co-operation with work of partner
  10. Tenth - good for journalism and administration in matters of communication
  11. Eleventh- indicates usually good relationships with intellectual exchange
  12. Twelfth - care is needed not to offend or criticise others by writing or public statement

(c) Copyright 2009, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

Effect of Moon in different Houses as per Vedic Astrology

  1. First house - demonstrates a shyness or reticence in a sensitive personality
  2. Second - possibly fluctuating fortunes often because of whims
  3. Third - choice of interest in the humanities in search to understand others
  4. Fourth - strong attachment to mother and attraction to female company in general
  5. Fifth - work has a strong emotional context and relationships romantically enhanced
  6. Sixth - tendency to overdo work and stress out to harm nerves
  7. Seventh - reactionary in relationships, reacting to others and their emotions
  8. Eighth - unusual and emotional issues regarding circumstances
  9. Ninth - the nature would be sensitive to invisible influences
  10. Tenth- possible changes to be anticipated in work issues
  11. Eleventh- working with people is likely in some welfare sphere
  12. Twelfth - problems regarding unexpected antagonisms from others.

(c) Copyright 2009, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

Effect of Sun in different Houses as per Vedic Astrology

  1. First house - would tend towards an outgoing sunny personality, courageous
  2. Second - increase material fortune and wealth (not always money)
  3. Third - indicate abundant interest in studies intellectual or gaining mental power, straight talker.
  4. Fourth - show a fortunate, loving, family and positive home environment
  5. Fifth - very positive outgoing physical energy and creativity
  6. Sixth - positive influence upon health and stamina
  7. Seventh - happiness in partnerships and marriage
  8. Eighth - positive plans likely to succeed and attract health and fortune
  9. Ninth - a great interest in deeper philosophy and spiritual matters
  10. Tenth - a great indication of worldly success and social status
  11. Eleventh - possibly a wide circle of acquaintances and love of social life
  12. Twelfth - an ability to overcome difficulties and rise above suffering

(c) Copyright 2009, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturn in Virgo - its effects on all the moon signs

Identified below are the effects of transit of Saturn in Virgo on all the moon signs.

  • Aries: The natives of this rashi will experience increase in courage and valor. Family life will be happy for them. There shall be happiness from children also. They will gain from association with famous people and from government agencies. Things may remain tough professionally and there can be financial issues to be taken care of.
  • Taurus: The natives of this rashi will feel relieved because this transit will end the period of "Kantaka Shani". There can be issues concerning children and family life will require attention. Health will be a particular area of concern. Management of finance will also require skill.
  • Gemini: The natives of Gemini may feel disturbed on account of this transit. Family problems may increase including the health problems of mother. There can be change in residence or job. Finance may be a cause of concern. There can be differences with family members and relatives.
  • Cancer: The effect of the transit on the natives of this rashi will be good. There can be gain of wealth and finance. There is possibility of getting recognition and honor in career or from government agencies. However, tension during this period is also not ruled out.
  • Leo: The transit will be satisfactory for the natives of Leo. Things may ease out and solutions to problems will start becoming visible. However, issues concerning family life may continue. Financial matters will require careful attention.
  • Virgo: Saturn being the 5th lord from the Moon sign, this transit will bring in some good news with respect to career and education. However, the 6th house lordship of Saturn also indicates that health can be an area of concern. Hard work is necessary to succeed.
  • Libra: Saturn being the yogakarka planet for Libra rashi, the commencement of Sadhe Saati period will give good results. There will be professional gains followed by the transit. There can also be some anxious moments with respect to family life. There can be chances of foreign travel as well.
  • Scorpio: The natives of this rashi will feel energized after the transit. There shall be increase in valor, happiness, name, fame and Luck. There shall be happiness from family as well. There is strong chance of financial gains as a result of this transit. Financial issues should be sorted out.
  • Sagittarius: The natives of this rashi may have to face some professional or household related changes after the transit. Business will need extra care. There may be possibility of loss of wealth. Problems from enemies and from people in high places are possible.
  • Capricorn: This transit will bring good news for the natives of this rashi also because the period of "Kantaka Shani"will end. All-round improvement in the situation is likely as a result of this transit. There can be some health concerns affecting the family. There can be increase in fortune from foreign land.
  • Aquarius: This transit may not be favorable for the natives of this rashi. Saturn will be transiting in the 8th house. This transit can be considered very tough. There is possibility of health issues for self and family members. Caution should be exercised while taking any major financial decision.
  • Pisces: This saturn transit will give mixed results to the natives of this rashi. There can be marital life issues after the transit. Some changes with respect to career as well as residence are also possible. Troubles from enemies cannot be ruled out. Wastage of funds has to be checked.
(c) Copyright 2009, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Continuity of relationship

Continuity or long term relationships depends on connectivity of fixed signs, such as Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio with the personal planets, especially the Sun, Moon, Venus, and the ascendant. The next is to determine if the ruler of the 7th house of marriage and partnership is a planet in a fixed sign, and whether or not it is afflicted. If the planet is afflicted it indicates more complications with love life and long term partnership. The relationship also depends on the health of Venus, the planet of love, and whether or not it is afflicted.

(c) Copyright 2009, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Question not related to queriest.

Question not related to queriest.

Normally the question is put to astrologer by a person who is somehow concerned or related to the question. However in some cases a question may be posed to the astrologer where the queriest is not related or concerned with the question. In that case to answer such query the chart should me rotated considering IX as the ascendant.

(c) Copyright 2009, Shreerang ketkar, All rights reserved.

Love Affairs

Love Affairs

Various KP rules pertaining to Love Affairs
Vth House stands for loving others and getting pleasure out of it...
  • If the Sub Lord of the Vth signifies XIth alone,one will get only mental pleasure... it indicates Bondage
  • If the Sub Lord of the Vth signifies II and XI ,... it indicates Permanent Bondage with sexual pleasure and physical attraction
  • If the Sub Lord of the Vth signifies XI & VII one will establish lawful contact without sex with the other person...
  • If the Sub Lord of the Vth signifies XI,VIII & VII, one will have sexual contact with that particular person.



K.P. Rule for chastity is that Mars, Venus and Saturn should not be deposited in thestars of Mars,Ven Sat ,and should NOT be occupying the signs ruled by Merc,Ven Satthe girl is CHASTE. !

Friday, June 05, 2009

Chandra - Moon

Chandra - Moon

Moon is
chief cause of Breast cancer.

Moon is karaka for left eye

When the Moon is strong in any chart, You are emotional, sentimental and compassionate and a 'feeling' sort of person. You can also moody, easily affected by your environment and the 'moods' of others. Although not aggressive, you often attract aggressive people into your life, responding to them with subtlety and shrewdness. Deep down you possess ambition having a need for recognition; you'll also aim to please others and can feel rejected if you feel your efforts are not fully appreciated.

You love your home and have respect for the family, and heaven help anyone who comes between you and yours. Because you have a tendency to worry about your family and loved ones, you'll sometimes find yourself swamped by their problems. Try to keep your mind busy and maintain an even balance. Surround yourself with as many interesting people as possible so that your mind is kept active. Allowing your imagination to get out of control can manifest in extremes of moods, causing restlessness or depression. If confronted by the unusual or unconventional you may procrastinate, thereby missing out on some of life's golden moments. Money and material possessions are important to your emotional security, although there will be many ups and downs in acquiring this security. Learn from past mistakes and when you look back on life be constructive with your thinking. You need to work with people and in doing so you are likely to make many lasting friendships. This will create a good balance for you as you can be inclined to be too involved in family matters.

In Numerology the Moon's number is Number Two. You'll possess a good memory (some would say too good!), remembering things others forget. Learn to have faith in your memory, even if others contradict you. Your feathers are not easily ruffled, unless someone tries to take something away from you, then the world had better watch out! You make a good friend, yet can carry any hurt or slight for a long time, refusing to let go. If you live in a secure neighbourhood life will be kind to you. Living in an 'insecure' part of town or neighbourhood it's likely you'll find yourself threatened by your environment. At all times you must listen to your intuition when you find yourself in any strange place.

Being sensitive (too sensitive) to your environment could bring many moments of apprehension when you feel something is beyond your control. Having a domestic and nurturing nature makes you a natural parent and carer, with others finding 'strength' in you during they're moments of crisis! During life you're likely to form friendships with many people, some of whom may be in the public eye. You'd also like to be the centre of attention wouldn't you? Let's keep this our little secret, for not everyone knows.

Between the ages 27 and 29 there will be events and happening that will form the foundations of your future. Monitor these years and your reactions to what happens to you at this time. Having a 'strong' Moon in any chart indicates periods of great activity in your life (check the house where you're Moon is located for clues. Was there a time of travel, a time of mental stimulation, a change in lifestyle?

Have you made a will? It's important to make clear your wishes of what your family should do with your body at the time of your death. The Moon in any chart will bring conversation of death and what happens at or after death. If the Moon is located in your 4th house then towards the end of life there could be many changes in lifestyle, even changes of residence. Possessions, property, so-called material security are all important for you in the early part of life, but towards the end of life you may wish to give it all away!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Birth Details of UNMARRIED Individuals

Birth Details of UNMARRIED Individuals
Sl. No   DOB             Time of Birth                                       Place of Birth
1         19-02-1959     05-45 Hrs (Time Zone 1 Hr E )          50 N 43 ; 07 E 04 (Bonn)

2         16-06-1954     20-00 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        Delhi
3         18-05-1961     09-35 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        Amritsar
4         11-11-1958     23-59 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30-Hrs         Delhi
5         07-05-1955     02-45 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        12 N 20 ; 76 E 13
6         19-07-1955     11-40 Hrs (Time Zone 7-30 Hrs)        01 N 17 ; 103 E 51 (Singapore)
7         26-05-1938     07-09 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        11 N 28 ; 78 E 13
8         04-04-1972     08-55 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        21 N 09 ; 76 E 06
9         28-07-1946     04-36 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        13 N 04 ; 80 E 17
10       10-04-1962     08-07 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        13 N 04 ; 80 E 17
11       03-03-1956     11-59 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        Ahmedabad
12       28-08-1940     22-55 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        13 N 55 ; 75 E 34
13       24-04-1944     15-53-48Hrs( Time Zone 5-30(Hrs)      13 N 55 : 75 E 34
14       16-10-1970     20-55 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)         Bangalore
15       06-08-1953     22-27 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)         Coimbatore

16       04-02-1979     12-42 Hrs (Time Zone 5-30 Hrs)        19 N 12 ; 72 E 58


Male or Female Child?
Recently Mr.Sunil Gondhalekar has evolved a rule to determine the sex of child to be born..." If the sub-lord of the sub-lord of 5th House is posited in a star whose lord is posited in a Male sign,a male child will borne and if its in Female sign a female child will borne."
I tried this rule for 15 charts but coulod not get answers with certainty.

(c) Copyright 2009, Shreerang Ketkar, All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 12, 2009



1. Consider houses 8 and 12 for accidents: 8th serious illness, accident, suicide; 12th – self-undoing, confinement in bed or hospital, defects, deformities, amputation or mutilation of a limb, bodily injury. Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu cause accidents.

2. If the sub lord of either the Ascendant or the 8th house cusp is posited in the star of the occupant or the owner of the 8th or 12th house, there will be an accident.

3. The danger to the individual's life will likely prove fatal  if the sub lord is in the star of either the occupant or the owner of the 8th, 7th, or 2nd.

4. The individual will survive the accident if the sub lord is in the star of either the occupant or owner of the 2nd, 7th, and 11th.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Astrology rules - other than KP

  1. Date of Marriage : Find the 7th lord in Rasi chart. Look into the navamsa sign where this 7th lord posited. Jupiter transit in that sign in Rasi chart or 5,9 from that sign is the marriage timing. Orb 6 degree in either side of the sign to be considered. If Jupiter is retrograde in natal chart, the marriage will be materialized during retrograde Jupiter in transit 70% of the cases.