केन्द्र 1,4,7,10 - (Lakshmi Houses) (Like a cardinal sign) Most important, they are strong and active to accomplish their potential - Sharp energetic - power for achievement and strong will. Tenth is the strongest Tenth house even overpower the ascendant. Malefics and Benefics are exalted (1) BODY (4)
HOME (7) MARRIAGE (10) CAREER. Same Modality as the ascendant.
Trine 1,5,9 - Houses of dharma (1) personal (5) creative (9) . They give as well as take. not as strong as angles but they boost the chart and strengthen signs 5 and 9. called houses of Vishnu. Jupiter and the moon are good in trines. One trine aspects all others. They are in the same element as the ascendant. More important for spirituality.
Succedent - 2,5,8,11 - (like a fixed)
Accumulation of resources - maintaining what we have. 5th, 11th, 2nd, 8th. Income houses. 5th - speculation, 11th through income, 2nd personal work, 8th inheritance. Also mind self expression, 5th, intelligence, 2nd speech, 8th insight, worldly communication
Cadent - 3,6,9,12 (like a mutable) give sensitivity, adaptability, high intelligence - but unstable, uncertain
- mental or nervous problems. Good for spiritual development. 9th, 3rd, 6th, 12th. 6th and 12th difficult for health and happiness - 9th and 12th more spiritual. 3rd and 6th give conflict and striving.
उपच्चय - 3, 6 10, 11 they are increasing houses.Planets in them give more over time. Mars and Saturn do well here, give power to overcome obstacles. Malefic do well in the 11th.
अपच्चय - 1,2,4,7,8 houses of decrease. They lose their strength through time. Malefics do not do well In them, particularly the 8th.
Dusthanas - difficult houses. 6, 8, 12 - benefics are weakened esp. under malefic influence - esp. moon. 6th - Malefics good for power but can cause disease. Benifics good for intelligence, but disease. Rahu good for spirituality. 8th. Mars can cause death or harm. Saturn long life sans prosperity. 12th Benefics are good for rebirth. Venus for prosperity. Ketu for spiritual capacity. Rahu nervous system disorders.
Planets near the midheaven in houses 9,10 and 11
represent how we affect the world in terms of our values (9th), actions
(10th), and goals (11th). Opposite in houses 3,4 and 5 are our vital
energy (3), emotional state (4), and intelligence (5th). Planets high
in the chart tend to dominate those low in the chart.